
Developing Your Software Products

Whether you are a start-up or scale-up, get the help you need in a way you can understand.
Based in Australia, we provide the development and technology services to help you succeed.
If you do not understand the acronyms, jargon and techno-babble, we will work with you to ensure you are comfortable at every step along the way.
Success comes when you have a team that can support you through the difficult times and understands the challenges you face.  

Proven Solutions

Requillion Solutions has developed a tried and tested framework for delivering software products that::
  • Are  quicker and cheaper to develop
  • Have security built in from the ground up
  • Reduced defects and lower Technical Debt
  • Allow you to focus on the features unique to your product

Let's Explore

We can help you explore your idea by helping with ideation and solution design.

We can provide a range of services from technology advice, acting as your CTO and providing full-stack development for web-based solutions. We can help with strategic advice, planning and prototyping.

Let's Build

Once you have decided to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), we can help you with the build.

We can assist with architectural designs, management of the development and actual development and testing of the MVP.

Let's Enhance

Once you have a product and have traction in the market, we can help you manage the ongoing development.

You will need to continuously enhance your product and we can support you with roadmap strategy, team building and ongoing hands-on development.

Let's Explore

If you have an idea and believe that now is the time to turn it into a product, you may be wondering where to start.

We understand that transitioning an idea into a product can be difficult. Many questions have to be asked and answered. You may be out of your depth or simply looking for someone to bounce your ideas off of. Either way we can assist you in exploring your thoughts and providing advice on how to move forwards towards your goals.

When you are ready, we can also provide the skills you need to develop a prototype that will help you validate your strategy and support your plans through a Proof of Concept.


Let's Build

Once you have decided to move forward with your product,  you will be keen to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), ready for your first customer.

This is where you will need development skills to manage your scope, build your product and then deploy it. We have the experience to help you on this journey, whether you require strategic planning, agile development, access to pre-built frameworks, advice on Research and Development activities or deployment to the cloud.


Let's Enhance

Now you have customers using your product. This can be the most challenging time. Your product needs to grow and evolve based on customer use and feedback.

This is where we can help, by providing roadmap management, technical reviews, team building, training, best-practices, strategy and product optimisations, either as a once-off project or through ongoing engagements.


We are driven by your success

With any small business it is important that you have the right team around you and at Requillion Solutions, we believe that we can be part of your team. 

Together with your subject matter expertise and our passion for technology, we can create and deliver simple, effective and elegant solutions that you need for your business to succeed.

Whether you are just starting out or in-market looking to improve, we would like to assist you in your next steps.

What our customers are saying

As our on call CTO, Martin of Requillion Solutions provides technical guidance and strategic advice. I rely heavily on his ability to canvas the options and explain in simple terms the technical implications and risks of various choices. Martin is knowledgeable, pragmatic and a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend him for all your CTO needs.
Sarah Duncan
CEO, Acularo Pty Ltd
We engaged Martin to design our architecture and advise us on security requirements for our new product. Martin is a pleasure to work with and always had the best interest of our product as his priority. Our launch would not have happened without the invaluable CTO services provided by Martin. We highly recommend Requillion Solutions to anyone requiring help setting up their tech startup.
Derek Welsh
Director of Pointing North Software

Let’s work together to turn your idea into a success

Contact us to start the discussion on how we can help.