Our Services

Requillion Solutions is able to provide a tiered range of services that a start-up or scale-up tech business might require

These are the services you might need after that first cup of coffee, when you have an idea and decide to want to start a tech business:

  • Strategic advice and planning
  • Ideation and concept development
  • Requirements capture
  • Architectural design and review
  • Cost estimation
  • Prototype development
  • R&D advice 

Once you decide you want to build a Minimal Viable Product (MVP), these are the services you will need to get your product launched:

  • Environment setup, including server hosting
  • Agile team management
  • Sprint planning
  • Software development 
  • CI/CD setup
  • Release planning and deployment
  • R&D planning
  • Launch planning and support

Regardless of how large your established business is, you will need to continuously improve and to do that you will require these services:

  • Roadmap development
  • Release planning
  • Architectural review and optimisation
  • R&D execution
  • Team recruitment and management
  • Continuous improvement
  • Quality Assurance

These are only the typical services required by companies at these stages of life.  If you have other requirements, we offer a Let’s Talk tier. Please do not hesitate to contact us as we can offer many more services than those above.

Let’s work together to turn your idea into a success

Contact us to start the discussion on how we can help.