About Us

We believe that when asking for someone to help, you need to be assured that their values align to yours. Only then do you gain the trust that leads to a greater synergy and more powerful solutions.


We are driven to help find creative and innovative solutions to your problems.


We understand the services you need will change from one day to the next and we will be there to help.


We believe we are only successful if you are successful. Our job is to help you bring your product to market.

Our Story

Starting a tech business is both highly frustrating but massively rewarding.  We want to help reduce the frustration and increase the reward.

Our founder, Martin Hodges, has seen many new and innovative products find their way to market.  It hasn’t been easy.  Starting from scratch, building teams, processes, environments as well as the product itself.  After breathing life into each of these products, he found that the world of the start-up appears chaotic but actually has a natural lifecycle.

Based on this first-hand experience, he realised that many start-ups and scale-ups struggle when the founder finds themselves trying to juggle growth of the business and delivery of the product.  With limited, pre-market funding they make compromises on ‘doing’ versus ‘managing’.  He realised that these businesses need the flexibility of on-demand tech services that can be brought on-line quickly and effectively and that can help cover the doing and the managing.

He founded Requillion Solutions to provide that help with the aim of reducing the frustration whilst increasing the rewards from starting your own tech business.